You guys. I'm about to embark on a daring journey. I think I am going to try to potty train my 18-month old and almost 3-year old at the same time. It may work, it may not. I'm open to the possibility that it may be a complete flop, but I'm really hoping it works. They seem to enjoy doing everything together, so hopefully this will be something they add to the list
I got some good tips when I flew out to Pull-Ups headquarters in WI, and I got some more fun tips from friends when I hosted a “potty training” play date, so hopefully I'm about to embark on a successful, happy & diaper-free lifestyle.
Anyone tried this before?
Something to keep in mind is that every child is unique when it comes to potty training. Just because your neighbor potty trained her kid in 1 day, doesn't mean you will. And it doesn't make you a failure if it takes 6 MONTHS. It's all about just being flexible according to your child's personality (at least that's what I learned and has been repeatedly verified).
So here we go…in case any of you are as crazy as I am… here are some of my favorite tips I have received for potty training 2 kids at the same time (whether twins, or several months apart).
“I participated in an Ambassador Program on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for Pull–Ups. I received samples for this review and a promotional item to thank me for participating.”
1. Flexibility. I briefly mentioned this earlier, but you have to be open to the possibility that one just isn't ready. As long as you are open to this, I think things will be less frustrating. Just remember, even if they are the same age, they have different personalities, and one may want to train later than the other. Also, being flexible and not pushing too hard might just be the thing that encourages your kid to move forward. When my friends and I met up, this was a common theme among all of us–no two kids potty train alike. This doesn't mean it's not possible, you just need to be realistic.
2. Consistency. If you are gong to do two kids at once (and even if you are just doing one), you are going to need something to remind you to remind them! The best way to avoid accidents is to make sure you are constantly reminding and asking if they need to go potty. I showed my friends the Time to Potty app because it's awesome for this! You can enter in the age of your kids, and the time interval, and then you will get reminders on your phone. Not only that, but there are some fun games/rewards for your kid's successes.
3. Give treats to Both children. If one kid goes potty, everyone celebrates by having a treat. You have to do it this way if you are going to potty train two at once, because otherwise you create resentment and bitterness in the child that didn't go. By rewarding both kids, you are helping them to motivate each other and make the whole transition a team effort. They are on the same “team”!
4. Separate Potties. This one was really stressed at the conference I went to. Not only will this give them a feeling of “independence,” but it also encourages the “team effort” by allowing them to sit on the potty at the same time. If one goes, they both celebrate!
5. Be creative. You are dealing with TWO children at the same time, so you might have to switch out the rewards and try different things to keep them motivated. Maybe one day it's stickers and another day it's a treat.
Not only did we discuss the Big Kid Academy and the fun incentives that are there, we also talked about a few ways we can know our kid might be ready to potty train. Here are a few things to watch for:
*Interest in wearing Pull-Ups or “big Kid” pants
* Awareness of when they need to go to the bathroom
*Asks to use the toilet
* Is Dry after a Nap
*Can dress and undress independently
*Has regular bowel movements (constipation can create confusion and many setbacks with potty training).
*Likes to do what mommy and daddy does
*Stays dry for 2 or more hours at a time
What are YOUR Best Potty Training Tips?